Pengertian dan Contoh Kalimat Word Order dan Inverted Word Order
Pengertian Word Order
Word order berarti urutan kata. Mayoritas kalimat bahasa Inggris tersusun dengan sentence pattern (pola kalimat) SVO (subject-verb-object). SVO berati verb (kata kerja) muncul setelah subject dan direct object muncul setelah verb. Contoh SVO:
Keterangan:S = bold; V = italic; O = underline
No | Contoh Kalimat |
1 | She baked Portuguese egg tarts. (Dia memanggang Portuguese egg tarts.) |
2 | They found nothing. (Mereka tak menemukan apapun.) |
3 | Dini and her family love cats. (Dini dan keluarganya menyukai kucing.) |
Keterangan:S = bold; V = italic; O = underline; I = green
Pola | Contoh Kalimat Word Order |
SVOI | My old friend sent me a very long letter. (Teman lama saya mengirimi saya sebuah surat yang sangat panjang.) |
SVIO | My old friend sent a very long letter to me. (Teman lama saya mengirim sebuah surat yang sangat panjang untuk saya.) |
Inverted Word Order
Inverted word order berarti verb muncul sebelum subject. Macam klausa atau kalimat yang mengalami inverted word order antara lain: conditional clause tanpa if; declarative sentence yang dimulai dengan negative atau restrictive word seperti: not only, hardly, barely, scarcely, never, rarely, dan no sooner; dan wh- question (pertanyaan yang diawali dengan wh- word: what, where, when, why, which, who, whom, whose, atau how) yang menanyakan object.Macam | Contoh Kalimat Inverted Word Order | Keterangan |
Conditional Clause | Were (V) I (S) a millionaire (O), I would donate my money to charity. | Normal: If I were a millionaire, I would donate my money to charity. (Jika saya seorang millionaire, saya akan mendonasikan uang saya untuk amal.) |
Had (V) you (S) asked (V) her (I) the question (O), she would have answered it. | Normal: If you had asked the question, she would have answered it. (Jika kamu menanyakan pertanyaan tsb, dia akan menjawabnya.) | |
Negative /Restrictive Word | No sooner did (V) you (S) left (V) the restaurant (O) than your friend came. (Tidak lama dari kamu meninggalkan restoran, temanmu datang.) | No sooner … than = correlative conjunction |
Scarcely had (V) I (S) turned off (V) the light (O) when I fell asleep. (Tak lama setelah saya mematikan lampu, saya tertidur.) | scarcely … when = correlative conjunction | |
Never have (V) I (S) seen (V) such a beautiful beach (O). | Normal: I have never seen such a beautiful beach. (Saya tidak pernah melihat pantai seindah itu.) | |
Only after finishing their task can (V) the students (S) go (V) home (O). (Hanya setelah menyelesaikan tugas para siswa dapat pulang ke rumah.) | Modal verb “can” muncul sebelum subject ” the students”. | |
Wh- Question | What (O) can (V) I (S) do (V) for you? (Apa yang dapat saya lakukan untukmu?) | - |
Which book (O) did (V) you (S) read (V) last night?) (Buku yang mana yang kamu baca semalam?) | - |
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