Pengertian dan Contoh Kalimat Absolute Phrase
Pengertian Absolute Phrase
Absolute phrase adalah kelompok kata yang terdiri dari noun atau pronoun dan participle dengan/tanpa tambahan modifier.Posisi Absolute Phrase
Phrase ini menerangkan independent clause dimana posisinya dapat di depan, tengah, atau di belakang clause tersebut. Antara absolute phrase dan independent clause selalu dipisahkan oleh comma (,). Dengan demikian jika absolute phrase berada di tengah independent clause, ada sepasang comma yang memisahkannya.Contoh Kalimat Absolute Phrase:
Posisi | Contoh Kalimat Absolute Phrase | Keterangan |
di depan independent clause | His hands tugging on his mother’s shirttail, the little boy asked his mother to buy a toy. (Tangannya menarik-narik ujung baju ibunya, anak kecil itu meminta ibunya membelikan mainan.) | noun (phrase) = his hands; participle = tugging; modifier = on his mother’s shirttail |
di tengah independent clause | The little boy, his hands tugging on his mother’s shirttail, asked his mother to buy a toy. | |
di belakang independent clause | The little boy asked his mother to buy a toy, his hands tugging on his mother’s shirttail. |
Participle Berupa To Be
Participle yang digunakan pada absolute phrase dapat dihilangkan jika berupa to be (contoh: being, having been) karena dianggap sudah dimengerti (understood).Contoh:
The time(Waktu berakhir, kelas meninggalkan ruang ujian.)
Lebih Banyak Contoh Kalimat Absolute Phrase
No | Contoh Kalimat Absolute Phrase | Keterangan |
1 | Reny ran onto the hill, beads of sweat forming on her forehead. (Reny berlari ke atas bukit, butiran-butiran keringat membentuk di dahinya.) | noun (phrase) = beads of sweat; participle = forming; modifier = on her forehead |
2 | Reza waited on his sister’s friends, his face scowling. (Reza melayani teman-teman saudaranya, wajarnya kesal.) | noun (phrase) = his face; participle = scowling |
3 | The supervisor from the head office looked the machine over carefully, the name tag pinned on his shirt pocket. (Pengawas dari kantor pusat mengecek mesin dengan hati-hati, tanda pengenal terpasang di saku bajunya.) | noun (phrase) = the name tag; participle = pinned; modifier = on his shirt pocket |
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